Lecale Way 50k Ultra

On Saturday morning EDACs Phillip Vint was taking on the Lecale Way Ultra, this event is organized by Atlas running events and is a point to point race starting in Strangford and finishing on the beach in Newcastle. 50k is about 31 miles in old money, Phillip is no stranger to marathons and Ultra marathons and took on this race last year, luckily the conditions this year were a lot better than last year and Phillip was looking for a better time. For safety reason the race has a cut off time 7 hr 30 mins but Phillip paced his race to a tee, following the coast line all the way down to the finish line on the beach in front of the Slieve Donard Hotel in a amazing time of 5 hrs 18 min 12 sec in 4th position. A great effort and time with some great views on the way, well done Phillip.