This Week’s News



Not a lot to report on this week as most of our runners were having a well earned rest – except for one or two who inevitably find a marathon somewhere just to keep them from seizing up? You can probably guess who some of them were as it’s been 8 days since they completed back to back marathons and must have been finding things pretty boring, recovering from those exertions.

The guilty couple were Linda Cunningham and Oonagh Brétéché aided and abetted by Phillip Vint whose last marathon was way back last year, on 27 December to be exact!!

Anyway total respect for their efforts, Phillip coming home in 3 hours 30 minutes and Linda and Oonagh in 5.14. The course was somewhat unique, consisting of 4 circuits, mostly flat but with, in Phillips words, “a few tasty wee hills”. Murlough’s Jackie Moore, Linda’s sister and super East Down AC supporter cruised round in an excellent 5.09. Well done to her too.

Anyway it’s time to look forward to the East Down promoted fixtures for the early months of 2017. I’m afraid there are no marathons amongst them but there is nonetheless a variety of events to keep most of the running fraternity happy.


First off the blocks is the Rollercoaster Races around the perimeter road at Downpatrick Racecourse on 11 February.

As in previous years the emphasis is on the children’ and there will be separate races for P3 Boys and Girls commencing at 12.00 noon, as well as P4 and 5. If necessary, due to safety concerns, the P6/ 7 category will be divided into separate races with school teams competitions for the both Boys and Girls over a 1,000 metres distance. Under 13 Boys and Girls will compete over 1.5K and Under 15 s over a testing 2.5K.

The Senior race is over a 5K distance – about as near as Downpatrick can get to a Parkrun – with the added bonus of the runners getting to pay an entry fee for it!

It is hoped that as many as possible of the schools taking part will send in their lists of competing pupils in advance of the race day to facilitate the registration and ensure the 12 noon start. Entries will of course be taken on the day for all races and n particular for the Senior race which ends the programme and is scheduled for 2.15 pm start.


This race takes place a week later than usual this year, on 5 March, just a week before Jimmy’s Ten and will no doubt be used as a warm up for that race though it has a good following in its own right and is well organised by the hard working St Malachy’s Park committee. Online entry is open at

Ben Dearg Coast Entry

and entries will also be taken on the day for both the 5 and 10K races on offer. The 10K in particular is along one of Co Down’s most scenic coastlines and deserves a visit for that reason alone.


Already the entries are rolling in for the 12 March renewal of the East Down Club’s flagship event and it promises to be the best ever, with continuing sponsorship from M B McGrady and Co. Chartered Accountants, St Patrick’s Avenue, Downpatrick and a variety of other local businesses. Further details to follow next week.


Spectators are advised that the race starts and finishes in the same place, just outside the Clubrooms in the Ballydugan Industrial Estate, where runners and supporters will be safe from passing traffic and convenient to the showers, toilets and the post race refreshments. Chip timing will again be provided by Championchip Ireland and with top prizes and a top quality field an exciting day is in prospect. Online entry is already available at:

Jimmy’s 10k Entry


An early bird fee of £14 for Registered runners and £16 for unregistered runners (Relay teams fees are £19 and £21 respectively per team to include T-shirts for both runners) is on offer until 31 January only. Numbers are limited and with Technical T-Shirts available for first 750 entrants only you runners are asked to get your entries in as soon as possible.


Joe Quinn

9 January 2017