What makes a youth sports prodigy

American pop culture loves to promote the great achievements of successful young athletes. We celebrate the accomplishments of Little League World Series stars and teenage Olympic champions. We have watched youth sports prodigies such as Tiger Woods and Serena Williams grow from child superstars to top professionals, and think, “Great, my kid can do that, too!”

But can they? And what is the best path to pursue elite sport performance, while ensuring sport remains a positive experience for kids? Continue reading

Retention of the hospital services

10995899_10202461892347988_6592005663947424994_nCould I request that all members who will be attending tomorrow’s March from Ardglass Rd at 2.00pm to wear their club hoodies/track suit tops and walk behind the East Down AC banner in a show of support for the retention of the hospital services. Russell Bradley has the banner so make contact with him at the start tomorrow.
